club deal

Club deal: the evolution of the Equity investments

Capital Markets /Akos, as Club Deal promoter, aggregates competencies and financial resources by putting together the forces of Italian family entrepreneurs with the aim of acquiring shares in attractive SMEs in Italy.

Why investing in a Club Deal?

Investment policy

The Holding invests in minority or majority stakes in the SMEs, with the aim to be on the side of the entrepreneurs during the growth phase of their business. The focus is on industrial or service leaders in order to accelerate the growth and facilitate the generational transition.

Time frame

The Holding invests with a medium to long term strategy, sharing the value generated with the entrepreneur.

How it works

The investment or disinvestment decisions are made by the Holding shareholders, who can choose each investment deal-by-deal.

What we offer

The Holding offers its investees the capital and the experiences through a network of professionals and entrepreneurs with specific expertise in a variety of industries, markets and business fields (strategy, finance, HR, etc.).
AKOS s.r.l - P.IVA 03964390276 - REA VE – 353342 - Share capital €60.000
Registered office 30020 Noventa di Piave (VE), Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 7
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 7 
Noventa di Piave (VE)
30020 - Italy
Via Antonio Fogazzaro 4
Thiene (VI)
36016 - Italy